What is a Cypher is a multi-year project originating in 2019 in connection with the association's birth


You see thoughts about our culture and cyphers in our value base and together the association has formed an idea, to illustrate this value to people around us.


In 2022, our ideas were concretized to Region Skåne and the Cultural Administration Malmö, who decided on support for a production.


Den delen av projektet har fått namn och form hösten 2023 – ”Open doors – en dansföreställning”



With common intention, listening and open doors, five dancers meet. The bodies constitute the spoken language in the encounter with themselves and each other. They listen, seek, follow and challenge. Through the openness to give each other space, a strongly growing communication is created and unexpected opportunities are given a chance. What comes next, that is still in the future. The dancers live in the moment.


Dancing in a ring is something that exists in many cultures, in Breaking and hip-hop culture it is called a Cypher. A Cypher can be perceived both as something very concrete and at the same time something free, as frightening, as warm and welcoming. It arises through common intention, it does not exist without the presence and meeting with others. Through vulnerability, honesty and acceptance, the door to the common energy is opened.

On behalf of Breaking Association Malmö, choreographer Theresa tr3sa Gustavsson has created the dance performance "Open doors". A performance based on some of the tools of hip-hop and breaking culture; own expression, improvisation and cypher. With this as the source of the work, Theresa has guided the dancers, who all have Breaking as a common language of movement, through an exploratory process about listening to oneself and others. What can we experience if we listen, are curious and dare to open the doors to the possibilities we did not know?


Choreographer: Theresa tr3sa Gustavsson

Dancers: Alva Springfeld, Groovy (Anna Eileen
Nguyen Jeppesen), Kevin Navarrete, Switch Rock (Ludvig Karlsson), Nynne Hovgård

Composer/Sound design: Jacob Tellin

Costume: Victoria Denise Tcha
Photo & Film:
 Claudia Svensson
Producer: Theresa Gustavsson
Co-producer: Rickard Gilengren
Initiative & Produced by: Breaking Association Malmö as part of the multi-year project "What is a Cypher"

With the support of: Region Skåne and Kulturförvaltningen Malmö
